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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Disease Control

The disease is one of the obstacles that often arise in particular the maintenance of Clownfish. One of the obstacles faced in Clownfish hatchery activity is the emergence of the disease in the mother. In general, the disease caused by the body not only pathogens but by environmental factors, the carrying capacity of water and the remnants of feed is wasted. In general, a disease that often affects Clownfish is a disease caused by a protozoan that is Scatica. The symptoms of diseased fish are decreased appetite, there are white patches on the surface of the parent body and clustered on the surface of the water, calm movement not normal and always close to the surface of the water. Prevention of disease in fish is done with formalin immersion as much as 0.5 ml / liter of water and add fresh water as much as 10 ppm. Soaking is done for 5-10 minutes

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Water Quality

In order for the parent to remain healthy during farming activities take place, it is necessary to water quality management for the survival of the parent. So the maintenance is done turn the water container with the water system running as much as 100% per day. Water changes aim to eliminate toxic substances. In addition, in order to maintain the water quality necessary clean well. Cleaning for every day (Monday-Saturday) in order to eliminate the remnants of food, and toxic impurities that can damage water quality and disrupt the activities of the parent Clownfish. Water quality monitoring is conducted every month

Artificial Feed

Artificial feed is a mixture of a variety of raw foods that come from animals and plants. The mixture is then processed by the addition of vitamins and mineral elements, so that the flavor and aroma of fish preferred color. Benefits of the use of artificial feed is no need to bother to get it. The types of artificial feed given in the form of ornamental fish Clownfish is pellet.

Artificial feed pellets are the easiest to use, directly given to the ornamental fish Clownfish without having to process it first. Therefore, the pellets are very suitable for use by hobbyists are busy or simply can not find the live feed.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Natural Food

Natural food is a living organism that can feed consumed by fish. Natural food is very good for the fish because of the nutrients contained in it is incomplete, includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Natural food is generally always move in the water, so as to attract the attention of fish for prey.

How to preserve the clown fish

During maintenance parent be given artificial feed (pellets). Pellet is given in compact form by nature slow sinking. In addition, the parent clownfish can also be given a feed supplement that is shrimp, blood worms fresh, squid or clam meat. Ornamental fish feeding clownfish do two (2) times a day, in the morning (07:30 PST) and in the afternoon (15:00 PST), according to dimensions, not too big.

Feeding should be stopped when the fish are no longer looks adoringly eating feed given. Each finish provides food, feed waste that settles in the bottom of container should be disposed of quickly menyiponnya. This is important, do not order food left to rot causing water conditions change. The initiative, water quality changes make quick fish stress and will make easy to catch a fish disease. For there are two alternative types of food that can be given, namely natural feed and artificial feed.

Food and Habits

Clownfish is an ornamental fish species that live in groups are benign, and when at the base only to find food. In nature, fish Clownfish consuming zooplankton, crustaceans and algae were found in their habitat. Nemo fish are also picking up crumbs or other dirt anemone so that the body can get rid of many types of parasites. While fish Clownfish themselves often brought food to the anemone.

Information from the fans of ornamental fish, aquarium fish Clownfish will not eat the pellets, which may be the lack of adaptation. During storage resulting cloudy white eyes and scales off. Clownfish fishing usually use anesthetic that causes white eyes and even blindness

Reproduction System

Clownfish are hermaphrodites protandri, namely the development reaches adult (mature gonads) androgynous types of male and female will turn and when the female dies, the male will replace females. To distinguish between male and female is usually done by differentiating size. Clownfish including monogoumus the fish tend to be promiscuous.
Clownfish typically spawn every year on the full moon during the morning. Clownfish Fish eggs can produce 300-700 eggs. Clownfish fertilization outside the body and put the eggs on the substrate. Clownfish in the wild usually attach their eggs on the reef, but in general these fish loved the egg attachment of relatively flat (flat) as in PVC, tile, stone and the like. At Clownfish will spawn males will clean the substrate where the female attaches the eggs then attach their eggs, after which Clownfish males fertilize and guard the eggs until they hatch. The eggs will hatch at day 7 to day 8.

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